
Alumni Executive Committee

The Alumni Executive Committee (AEC) is the governing body of the Berkeley Preparatory School Alumni Association. We support the mission, goals and strategic plans of the school through the personal dedication and financial investments of our alumni. Our mission is to connect alumni with each other, their school and current students in pursuit of making a positive difference in the world together.

Help us enrich, serve and invest in our school. The AEC members serve all Berkeley alumni and welcome your ideas and suggestions. Connect with alumni leadership at

Alumni Executive Committee 2023 - 2024


Nick Dorsch ’03, President
Dax Nelson ’96, Vice-President
Michael Maguire ’03, Past President
David Moskovitz '08, Alumni Annual Giving Chair
Rick Harb '04, Engagement Chair

Committee Members

Adam Abelson ’11
Alison Avery ’12
Tanner Bailey ’11
Brandon Barkley ’06
Erin Hughes Duvoisin '02
Mac McCraw ’93
Brent Miller ’96
Jodie Orozco ’05
Peter Politis ’97
Farrah Elchahal Salman ’04
Paige Tucker ’12
Burton Tuttle II ’02

Alumni Strategic Plan

Alumni Helping Alumni

The alumni association voted to approve a new five-year strategic plan, Berkeley Alumni 2025. This plan was created with broad alumni input spanning the decades. Our mission is to connect alumni with each other, their school and current students in pursuit of making a positive difference in the world together. Help us enrich, serve, and invest.

Berkeley Alumni 2025 Goals

1) Facilitate and enrich alumni interaction
  • Host additional and grow existing social and professional networking activities
  • Establish new and further develop existing sustainable regional host committees in major markets
  • Establish new and further develop existing sustainable affinity groups to connect alumni around mutual interests and professions
  • Present options for alumni to customize their alumni experience through streamlined communications
  • Promote school traditions and core values shared across generations
2) Enhance the lifelong bond between alumni and Berkeley Preparatory School
  • Invite alumni back to Berkeley and welcome them to tour the campus and attend events
  • Identify additional on-campus activities for alumni involvement
  • Offer continuing professional connections and opportunities through alumni network interactions and both indirectly and directly facilitated dialogue
  • Continue to develop the strategic, efficient, multi-channel, interactive communication plan for alumni
  • Continue to improve quality of the Alumni Executive Committee's membership to meet new goals
3) Develop future alumni through mentoring and scholarship support
  • Cultivate internship and mentoring opportunities for existing students and recent graduates
  • Celebrate the impact of alumni support and share success stories
  • Continue to grow sustained giving recognition of and membership in True Blue Bucs
  • Grow leadership donors to provide additional support for financial aid
  • Achieve 5% annual growth of gross dollars donated via Alumni Annual Giving
    • Alumni Executive Committee Photos
    • Alumni Executive Committee Photos
    • Alumni Executive Committee Photos
    • Alumni Executive Committee Photos
    • Alumni Executive Committee Photos
    • Alumni Executive Committee Photos
    • Alumni Executive Committee Photos
Founded in 1960, Berkeley is an independent, Episcopal, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.